Dean Limehouse of Advent Cathedral Alabama responds to General Convention

The bottom line is that we at the Advent will do our best to remain true to the teachings of the Bible. That means we’re all sinners; no one person is above another. That also means we cannot bless any sexual activity outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. The Bible is clear about this. If anyone who declares the Bible teaches otherwise, then I wouldn’t doubt his or her sincerity, but I would have to question their training in biblical interpretation. (Again, if you would like an overview of the many passages that deal with sexual morality, let us know by using the aforementioned email or telephone number.) While we love one another and reach out to all sorts and conditions of people, and while homophobia by any person on our staff will not be tolerated, we cannot bless same-sex relationships.

Bishop Sloan knows exactly where we stand. He and I have talked openly about our differences. While we do not agree, he not only “tolerates” the Advent’s position, he accepts and respects our position and sees that we have a legitimate voice within his diocese.

Some of my colleagues have long left The Episcopal Church. We respect their decision. But we do not feel called to leave. We feel called by God to be a faithful witness within, but without being in collusion with flawed theology that lies at the heart of this presenting issue. But the presenting issue shall not sidetrack us. Our preaching and teaching ministry will remain focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, bearing witness to the Light. “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it” (John 1:5). We will not waver in our conviction. In all that we do, say and think, may God alone be glorified.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Gen. Con. 2012, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention

4 comments on “Dean Limehouse of Advent Cathedral Alabama responds to General Convention

  1. Statmann says:

    TEC is wrong and our Bishop flunked Theology 101 but don’t give up the ship. Sadly. many, if not most,of the members will buy this confused messagee. Statmann

  2. CharlietheCook says:

    The balkanization of churches within a diocese and the otherwise formation of little islands of orthodoxy will never work in the long run. Wish it would, but it won’t. Really, it shouldn’t work. Too fatiguing for all involved.

  3. Sarah says:

    Good response.

    RE: “many, if not most,of the members will buy this . . . ”

    Hopefully so.

    ; > )

  4. MichaelA says:

    What an excellent witness from the Cathedral Dean!

    It can’t be easy knowing that you have to take a fundamentally different stance from your bishop. But I note on another thread that the bishop has stated he will not permit SSBs in Dio. Alabama.